Can We Meet Again for the First Time?

What would it take to receive each new being freshly? To live on that edge of expectancy and discovery of finding out who you and they are? What would it take to meet each person in your life again for the first time? Can you receive them with that much freshness? Can you let go of everything you’ve ever known or created about them to discover who they are and how they show up today? What more becomes possible when you can receive them fully in this present moment?

We think we need the past to understand the present. We don’t. We think we need the past to understand someone, how they will show up in our lives, what they will mean to us, how they will treat us. We don’t. That is just a lie that creates limitation instead of possibility. It will always catch you unexpected because people evolve and change and if you relate to them from a place of past you will be surprised, or disconnected, or both.

Die to the Past in every moment, you do not need it- Ekkart Tolle

IMG_8538Awareness is different. You can be present with what’s present. The story cuts you off from the energy, from your awareness of what is truly happening in the hear and now. “This is my friend, they are kind to me.” And then they do something that hurts you, and you are surprised. If you were present with them in that moment, would you not know the person they are being today, the energy they are inhabiting and would you not be aware of what they bring?

Like when you have an inkling that someone is about to do something not to your liking, but then you go, “Naw, so and so would never do that,” and then when they’ve gone and done it you are surprised, except if you had been truly present and trusted your awareness, would you not have known that something was up? How many times have you kicked yourself for an awareness you discarded or discredited based on past, based on story only to have it come around and catch you off guard?  Except if you had been present and trusting you awareness, would you have know?

Who am I today? Who are you today? Who are you in each new moment? Can you be present present to the evolving exploration and discovery of life? Don’t cut off your awareness, don’t reference the past to understand the present, because you won’t. You’ll just recreate a past that is already dead and keep creating a similar experience.

When I’m truly present and out of reference to the past, I can step into a world of infinite possibilities. I can receive you fully and I can be me fully. What more could one ask for?